SMART – Secret Military Armament in Residential Technology

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Everything becomes smart, from the trash can to the toothbrush, and each of these devices is turned into the equivalent of a transmitting mobile phone. This not only increases radiation exposure to people and their environment but also the amount of data that is continuously collected and forwarded.

Link to the YouTube conversation: Watch the conversation here

Andreas Popp’s world of thought revealed:

Andreas Popp, a respected economist and founder of the Knowledge Manufacture, brings a wealth of experience and a unique perspective. Committed to promoting critical thinking and a deep passion for uncovering the truth behind economic complexities, Popp has gained a considerable following through his captivating talks and writings.

The interview discusses how heat pumps, smart meters, and streetlights with WiFi are touted as modern efficiency technology, yet they also enable a close-knit surveillance system over the population.

Key points of the discussion:

Origin of the term SMART: Who developed the term and what it stands for.

SMART is everywhere: Every small device in the house becomes smart. Starting from the trash can to the toothbrush, usage data is collected, analyzed, and forwarded.

Radiation increase: Due to the increasingly dense network of terminal devices emitting radiation, the burden on everyone and nature increases.

Surveillance made easy: The convenient handling, the comfortable use of these devices makes people voluntary assistants of Big Tech and the state.

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