Power Outage = Loss of Control? Are We Being Turned into Cyborgs?

Hi, I’m Chris.

I’m here to help you through every step of your PRVCY journey.

Wether you’re already taking the PRVCY online courses or a new subscriber, I’ll post constant news and information based on our research to help you taking back control of you PRVCY!

Andreas Popp in conversation with Chris from prvcy.world

The influence of Twitter and big tech on politics and how devices continuously leak data.

What is behind Elon Musk’s plan to equip humans with computer chips? Where is the line between helping people and controlling consciousness?

Espionage under the Christmas tree – What should be considered when buying electronic gifts so that privacy does not suffer?

AI – Artificial Intelligence – How robots are increasingly replacing humans in everyday situations and feeding the digital ID.

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Hi, I’m Chris.

I’m here to help you through every step of your PRVCY journey.

Wether you’re already taking the PRVCY online courses or a new subscriber, I’ll post constant news and information based on our research to help you taking back control of you PRVCY!

PRVCY Insider

For your privacy & cyber security

7 ways Big Tech is currently stealing your data, and how you can stop it in 10 minutes.

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