Are We All Script Kiddies?

Hi, I’m Chris.

I’m here to help you through every step of your PRVCY journey.

Wether you’re already taking the PRVCY online courses or a new subscriber, I’ll post constant news and information based on our research to help you taking back control of you PRVCY!

There is a movement where people are not using smartphones anymore. One of this cases is a group of teenagers in Brooklyn, New York whom refuses to use phones because of the surveillance and mind control, they said that Instagram is making adolescents sick. There are another groups that need to find answer and solutions looking on internet forums for new ways how to do things.

In a world full of coding wizards and cybersecurity heroes, where most of the people are more of a “Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V” kind of human but because we want and like to stay connected on media platforms, that give us the simplicity to distract us, finding us food and transportation, connect with our partner and granpa, talk to the boss and watch cat videos, social media companies where design over years to make us addicted.

A new generation of people is rising, the ones that refuse to live under the social obligation to use just certain apps to communicate and connect. The Luddite Club, is a high school in Brooklyn, New York group that promotes a lifestyle of self-liberation from social media and technology. The most devout members, their flip phones, which some had decorated with stickers and nail polish.

The Luddite Club could be classified as a “Script Kiddie” club.

A “script kiddie” has been used to describe an individual who lacks in-depth technical knowledge or skills in computer programming and hacking but relies on pre-written scripts or tools created by more skilled hackers to carry out cyberattacks or malicious activities. Why kids refusing to use smartphones for a while are Script Kiddies?

Because, I believe that a Script Kiddie is a person that knows how to research, about readily available tools, to control computer systems, networks, or websites, yes could be with bad intentions, but mostly to protect themselves. But most important what else is more hacking style that using a flip flop phone to communicate in secret with your peers?

Consider how many of us approach everyday tasks with the aid of technological tools. Whether it’s setting an alarm to wake up in the morning, using GPS for navigation, or relying on spell checkers for writing, we are all essentially using pre-made scripts to make our lives easier. These tools serve as our shortcuts, just like the scripts used by those criticized as script kiddies in the hacking community.

Our creativity is often inspired by what has come before us. In this sense, we are all script kiddies in the grand narrative of human progress. The open source online communities are spaces where to find out how to do things independently. According with mainstream propaganda, Tor Browser is an digital space used for criminals, where in fact a lot of us, as user, we just want privacy.

Very often we received messages from people all over the world, saying that they were looking for a project like PRVCY World for years, as well. There is not only an idea, we are a movement of people trying to experience an alternative lifestyle where we use our brains, like a good Script Kiddie.

“When I got my flip phone, things instantly changed,”said Lola Shub, a senior at Essex Street Academy. “I started using my brain. It made me observe myself as a person. I’ve been trying to write a book, too. It’s like 12 pages now.”

If you can imagine being a kid in New York during the last two decades, you can describe a world where technology is involve in every day decision, phones are extension of hands and most of the social interactions happens in a digital real. Starting a digital privacy journey on this times is not easy, big tech companies make us feel like they are the only ones that exist.

We buy phones with apps and software pre-installed that are against us, that were designed it to suck all our data, to make us the perfect consumer. “We’ve all got this theory that we’re not just meant to be confined to buildings and work. And that guy was experiencing life. Real life. Social media and phones are not real life.”, continue Lola.

But the vast internet is a territory of unlimited space, is not about rejecting it is about finding balance and options, in our own terms. Like the Script Kiddies, finding alternatives requires research. The most amateurish of the bunch, to protecting your home against neighbourhood
burglars – you simply need a good lock to keep them out. That will make with getting a VPN, and using strong passwords. On the other hand, when speaking about cyber warfare, it’s like protecting oneself from the CIA, and more advanced precautions are necessary. We have solutions for all.

Yeah, some Script Kiddies, could be dangerous for us, because they might be using cheap but effective techniques to get access to our systems, like calling us pretending to be the bank. These are individuals who are motivated by financial gain and are looking to extort money from the victim organisation. Unlike skilled hackers or cybersecurity professionals who have a comprehensive understanding of computer systems, networks, and programming languages, script kiddies tend to rely on the work of others to attack or to protect.

In that means, everybody that is using alternative operative system and tries to protect their data can be identify as Script Kiddies, like years ago in the beginning of crypto, many people believe that bitcoin it was only use it for criminals, turns out that now is acceptable and even promote it by government. So in the digital realm, there is space for all from seeking attention and causing disruption to engaging in activities against the Status Quo, like making an statement or not following the norms.

The true is, just but the fact that you’re reading this article is making you closer to be a Script Kiddie, a person looking for tech information, for solutions, and for protection. The notion of being a script kiddie transcends the world of hacking and cybersecurity. We all lean on pre-made scripts, tools, and systems in various aspects of our lives, from everyday tasks to specialized professions. Rather than dismissing script kiddies, we should acknowledge that our dependence on established knowledge and technology is a fundamental aspect of human existence. In the end, we are all script kiddies in one way or another, navigating the intricate script of life written by those who came before us.

It’s essential to recognize that being a script kiddie isn’t inherently negative. We rely on the collective knowledge and expertise of others to navigate the complexities of the modern world. Moreover, many script kiddies eventually evolve into more skilled and responsible individuals in their chosen fields, just as people grow and develop in their personal and professional lives.

And as usual, teenagers are the ones, showing us that not using a smartphone could be cool...

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