3 Simple Steps to Start Your Digital PRVCY Journey

Hi, I’m Chris.

I’m here to help you through every step of your PRVCY journey.

Wether you’re already taking the PRVCY online courses or a new subscriber, I’ll post constant news and information based on our research to help you taking back control of you PRVCY!

In the current landscape, we hear and talk about digital integrations all the time, the tech news are talking about AI, the politicians about intricate regulatory frameworks, the news about the geopolitical tensions, and economic fluctuations, as well the last updates and launches of devices.

You don’t even forget your phone at home anymore.

And then you have me, talking everyday about the dangers and implications of all this scenarios in your personal life. It is exhausting. As we approach our 3rd anniversary is becoming old the amount of time when people approach us saying, I don’t know how to start with PRVCY. Look, starting in this tech path of protecting yourself is a JOURNEY.

And actually could be a easy one if you let me help you. I want to emphasized the vital necessity for you as a normal person, and especially if you are business leader to infuse digital security and privacy into the core of your life. These tips are adaptions of the cybersecurity steps that big tech companies are doing to ensure their business data is protected.

Remember, starting this journey requires an strategy, so from now I will get a little technical

According with cybersecurity experts they are 3 actions that distinguish cybertransformers from their peers:

1. Risk Management:
People who are really good at protecting against online dangers make sure that their plans for staying safe online are part of the bigger plans their group or organization has. If you have an business, project or even within your family, deciding how to work on keeping things safe online agree on what things are most important to protect, that’s a big deal. Your mind is preparing in advance, so when you face the situation about disclosing your information in a Chat Bot you are mindful about the details you share.

2. Getting Stronger with Cybersecurity Help:
People who are really good at digital PRVCY are more likely to team up with experts who know a lot about keeping things secure online. This makes your online defenses stronger and helps you handle problems better. In the tech world collaboration is the key, we don’t need to know how but to know where to look and find.
The fact that you’re reading this is a good indicator that you’re in the right path to become a digital privacy leader.

3. Ecosystem Protection:
Smart people make sure their whole group is safe from online dangers. They do things like working closely with their partners and co-workers to have a plan for when something goes wrong online.
This goes very simple, you can work alone, digital privacy and security is a mindset that people around you need to have in order to work.
If I take of my devices and location but my secretary has a iphone with the location tracker, camera and microphone open and is constantly talking on that phone about me and my daliy activities, besides a little secrets (about how I can’t stop eating chocolate when I’m stressed) then all my strategy would be go to the garbage. So this needs team work with your family and colleges.

Even though efforts have been made to make online safety plans match what people want to achieve, there’s still room to do better. Surprisingly, more than 60% of the people surveyed could still have their online information stolen by outsiders. Jacky Fox, the person in charge of online safety at Accenture Security in Europe, says it’s really important for the top leaders in a group to work together and for the head of online safety (called the Chief Information Security Officer or CISO) to be someone who teaches and works together with leaders who aren’t experts in online safety.

The report shows that groups that do three important things to stay safe online while they’re changing how they do things digitally, along with having really strong online safety habits overall, are almost six times more likely to have successful and satisfying digital changes compared to groups that don’t follow these strategies.

Here are the 3 easy steps to implement your digital PRVCY strategies

1. Mandatory Cybersecurity Controls:

Making online safety a priority means setting up important rules and actions that need to be followed before introducing any new online service or product.
Whenever you’re getting ready to start something new online for your group or project, using a new digital service or an app, it’s really important to make sure you have strong online safety measures in place. This involves doing things like adding special codes to protect information, setting up ways for only authorized people to access things, creating methods to confirm people’s identities, setting up systems that can detect if someone is trying to break in, and checking to find and fix any weak spots in your setup. By making sure these online safety measures are in place before you start, you’re taking a smart approach to staying safe online right from the beginning.

Yes, sounds very tech savy but what it means for example, is to use another wifi network for visitors in your house or business, sending personal information over encrypted secret chats on telegram instead of whatsapp, or using nicknames for social media and 2FA passwords.
Basically all the tips and tricks we teach in our channel and even better if you get the PRVCY courses.

Benefits: This way of doing things reduces the chances of letting in online weaknesses that could cause problems in your systems and apps. It shields your group from online dangers and possible breaches. It also means that online safety becomes a key part of your activities, not just something you think about later on.

2. Incremental Cybersecurity Integration:

Incremental online safety integration means adding safety measures bit by bit as you move along your journey of using technology. Using technology and the internet can be pretty complicated, and it’s something that keeps happening over time. Instead of trying to put all the online safety measures in place all at once, which could be really overwhelming and mess up how things work, incremental integration is about adding safety little by little. For example, you might start by making sure the most important things are safe, and then you can make other parts safe as you keep going with your online journey.

Benefits: Doing things step by step like this helps your group keep a good balance between staying safe and making sure things run smoothly. It stops any big problems that could come up if you try to add safety measures to things that are already set up. Also, it means you can always change and improve your safety plans to match new problems and things you’re doing with technology as time goes on.

3. Guardians of Digital PRVCY:

Having someone in charge of online safety oversight means choosing a special person in your team or family who will lead and organize all the efforts to keep things safe while you’re making changes online.
The online world is always changing, and safety has to be a part of everything you do, not just a separate thing. That’s why it’s important to pick someone who knows a lot about online safety and have them as part of your team that’s making changes online. This person will make sure that safety is thought about in every decision and plan you make. This person could be you or someone that likes and understand the digital world in a easy way.

Naturally, in my family, friends, and business circles I’m that person, before we make any buy or incorporate an app in our lifes we checked if is align with our digital privacy strategy. After a while is becoming easier since people around me got the habit to see the digital world including the privacy focus but when things get technical they asked me for assistant.

Benefits: This person is like a link between online safety experts and the rest of the team. They make sure safety is always on the table while you’re changing things online. They can help find things that might be risky, give advice on the best ways to stay safe, make sure you follow the rules, and help the people who understand tech talk to the ones who don’t. This way, everyone works together to stay safe online.

Boosting Your Online Safety Superpowers:

By adding these three really important online safety actions to your plans for using technology better, you give your group the ability to handle the ever-changing world of online dangers. When you make sure safety rules are important, add safety a little bit at a time, and have someone who’s really focused on safety, you build a strong base that not only keeps your activities safe but also helps your group do really well in using technology.

In a world that’s always changing because of technology, getting really good at staying safe online isn’t just something you learn – it’s a smart move that can make your group really successful. Our super up-to-date online courses and devices help you to boost this strategies.

Is like a door that opens to becoming a leader in the field, with all the knowledge and skills you need to make big changes.

Imagine being really good at making sure you’re safe online and that you and your loved ones are protected, – all while making your family, friends and colleges do amazing things. Our courses aren’t just about learning; it’s about giving you the power to make a difference. It’s about becoming someone who knows how to use technology safely and sees it as a way to make your group even better.

With our comprehensive curriculum, you’ll gain a deep understanding of the principles that underpin successful digital privacy initiatives. By embracing the latest advancements and best practices, you’ll be prepared to embark on this transformative journey. That helps not only to protected you data but also yourself as a person and your relationship with technology.

The time to start act is now.

Elevate your digital privacy and position yourself at the forefront of innovation. Join our Insider News today and become the driving force behind your group digital privacy.

Your future begins here.

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Hi, I’m Chris.

I’m here to help you through every step of your PRVCY journey.

Wether you’re already taking the PRVCY online courses or a new subscriber, I’ll post constant news and information based on our research to help you taking back control of you PRVCY!

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