PRVCY Insider
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Telegram: Urgent Settings

1. Linking Your Account with Other Devices

It’s crucial, especially for channel owners or large groups, to have your Telegram account not only on your phone but also linked to your PC, or even better, an additional secure phone.

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Understanding the Difference: Privacy, Security, and Anonymity

In today’s digital age, where our lives increasingly take place online, understanding the concepts of privacy, security, and anonymity is more important than ever. Although these terms are often used interchangeably, they refer to different aspects of how we protect our information and identities on the internet. Let’s examine each concept individually to better understand what the differences are and why they matter.

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Artificial Intelligence

Digital Kill Switches: How Democracies Become Tyrannical Governments – Duplicate – [#29684]

Digital kill switches are security mechanisms designed to remotely disable or delete software, hardware, or data in the event of theft, unauthorized access, or other security threats. Governments around the world have specific legislation based on criteria to decide when to activate the kill switch. However, these decisions are most likely based on social control.

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Artificial Intelligence

Digital Privacy & Biometric Fingerprints: Two Natural Enemies

In the digital age, biometric fingerprint technology is at the forefront in the battle for security. It claims to offer unparalleled convenience and is one of the most unprotected ways to pay and be recognized.

Biometric fingerprints, unique to each individual, unlock a world where your identity is the key to everything, from your smartphone to banking services. This surveillance technology simplifies verification processes and ensures that major tech companies and governments can access your personal data and assets with just one touch of your finger.

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Digital Economy

The NFT Revolution: The Art Scene in Upheaval

In recent years, the art world has undergone an unprecedented transformation thanks to the rise of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). In 2014, experienced digital artist Kevin McCoy and a technologist named Anil Dash created what is widely considered to be the first NFT. We want to look at how NFTs are changing the art scene and present real-life examples of artists who are successfully navigating this new digital terrain.

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Artificial Intelligence

PRVCY 101 – Assistant Devices for Home

In a time when convenience often outweighs concerns, digital home assistants like Alexa, Google Home, and Siri have found their way into the sanctity of our living spaces. Promising to simplify our lives with voice-activated commands to control our house, play music, or inform us in real-time about news, these devices are now ubiquitous. However, beneath the surface of convenience lies a significant threat to privacy: surveillance.

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Swiss Federal Council Plans Website Blocks in Case of Power Shortage

A scenario currently considered unlikely has prompted the Swiss Federal Council to take specific measures to prevent a power supply collapse. In the event of a power shortage, the government intends to impede the transmission of large amounts of data in the mobile network and block certain websites.

The proposal envisions, as a first step, blocking specific websites. This primarily concerns social media, video, and music platforms that are widely used by many people.

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Artificial Intelligence

Are Carbon Footprint Passports Real?

In an era where sustainability is at the center of global discussions, it’s no surprise that the concept of carbon footprint passports is gaining traction. As the world becomes increasingly monitored and travel and transportation are the main means of exercising the right to free movement, tracking individual movements and so-called carbon footprints for travel purposes poses a threat.

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Troll Factories: Spreading Misinformation and Fake News

Various investigations have uncovered how governments use troll factories to spread lies on social media and in the comment sections of popular websites. Paid internet trolls whose online attacks endanger journalists and political opponents.
Extensive traces of these operations have been discovered on various social media platforms, including Telegram, Twitter, Facebook, and TikTok.

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Digital Economy

The digital euro will not be freely tradable.

The digital euro will change significantly in terms of its usability.
Gone are the days when you could spend your money on anything. As described in a recent report by the German Ministry of the Interior, the digital euro of the European Central Bank will have a special characteristic – programmability. This means that the digital euro will be intended for specific purposes, and its owner will no longer be able to freely dispose of it. Instead, the digital euro will be programmed to be spent only on approved transactions to ensure it remains within the boundaries of its intended use.

Essentially, it becomes money that is not fully under the control of its owner.

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PRVCY Insider

Master your Privacy and Cyber-Security

7 ways Big Tech is stealing your data right now, and how to stop it in 10 minutes.

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