Are We All Script Kiddies?

I believe that a script kiddie is a person who knows how to research easily available tools to control computer systems, networks, or websites - perhaps with malicious intentions, but mainly to protect themselves. The most important thing: what is more of a hacking style than using a flip phone to secretly communicate with like-minded individuals? Think about how many of us accomplish everyday tasks using technological aids. These tools serve us as shortcuts, just like the scripts used by those criticized in the hacker community as script kiddies.

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Prof. Dr. Bhakdi’s Controversial Views on COVID-19 Spark the Conversation About Censorship

The case revolves around Bhakdi's controversial views on the COVID-19 pandemic, which have been shared in interviews and on social media, garnering both widespread support and fierce criticism since the onset of the global health crisis.

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Vigilant with Christmas Gifts

Cameras and Microphones in water bottles? Many items that are on the market at very affordable prices seem harmless but are actually enemies of humanity. Why are they so bad? Because their only mission is to collect data - at best live data. From audio, video to location tracking. Here is a list of how to deal with it.

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