Telemetry Data: How You Are Being Tracked Everywhere You Go

How Telemetry Data Is Being Used Against You - PRVCY World Insider News

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Smart devices and the internet have brought many conveniences for the modern man. It allows people to connect with anyone regardless of distance, time, or weather. The contemporary world with its absolute digitalization of everything has brought comforts that even transcends the comforts of an actual king just a few hundred years ago. Yet all of this comes at a price, the price is the total and utter surrender of your privacy! 

People that are paranoid that government or large corporations would microchip us to track our every movement were always shrugged off as being crazy. But when we live in a world where we willingly carry tracking devices in our pockets wherever we go. The smartphone has become the ultimate surveillance tool.

What is telemetry data and how does it work?

The fundamental principle on which our phones work requires a constant connection to cell phone towers. Our phones are constantly pinging the cell tower and getting pings back. Almost every application you use on your smartphone also requires your location data in one way or the other. You want to order food online; your smartphone needs to transmit your current location. You want to see the direction on a map, your smartphone is broadcasting your location. 

In fact, this has become such a problem that applications you might think have no business tracking and broadcasting your location, are tracking, and sending your location to servers around the world. And the tragic part about all of this is that they are doing it with your permission. Whenever you download an application and agree to their terms of service, you are more or less agreeing to let them use your telemetry data. And that’s how they start to use your telemetry data against you.

And it’s not just location data, practically any telemetry data that your phone can sense can be accessed. Commercial companies use this data to make behavior models on you so they can target advertisements towards you. Social media applications model your browsing behavior to increase your engagement, so you spend the most amount of time on their platform. Companies like Facebook and Twitter even track how many seconds you spend on each post, even if you don’t interact with that post. 

In this day and age, there is no need for any mind-reading devices when our minds have already been penetrated by tracking and modeling algorithms. Large corporations are either directly collecting your telemetry data or buying it from other companies that are collecting it. The part you should be worried about is that this data is also being sold in mass to government organizations that request it. Why would government entities need your telemetry data? If you don’t know, then that’s the problem.

How you stop telemetry data from being used against you

Telemetry data is so fundamental to the function of smartphones, that there is literally no way to opt out of it. Even if you have a phone that doesn’t have internet capabilities, it can still be tracked because the phone is constantly pinging cell towers in the area. These cell towers can be used to triangulate your exact location in real-time. And with new machine learning algorithms, it doesn’t even require that much manpower to model your behavior and patterns based on past data. 

Convincing people to willingly carry a tracking device in their pockets might just be the greatest con ever pulled. That’s why you need a phone that is built for your protection. One that isn’t connected to “you” and your identity, so it doesn’t matter if it pings a cell tower or not. The issue with trying to backtrack and protect yourself with the device you already have is that it’s already connected to you, there’s no going back. With the PRVCY Transformation course, your new phone comes ready to be set up the right way, privacy intact. Get the course and take it at your own speed!

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