PRVCY Transformation Online Course

Big-Tec committs criminal attacks on us!
Until NOW !
Dont be afraid of them any longer.
Take back control of your PRIVACY !

About the Online Course

Understand –  Transform  –  BUILD PRVCY STRENGTH

Through a step by step process of 11 lesson modules, PRVCY Transform will take you to your next level.

Learn how to:

Your Decisions Today Will Define Your Tomorrow

Inclusive gift:  Free PRVCY Phone

Free Webinar

Do you want to know more? Then have a look at my free webinar in which I explain how to setup your own new PRVCY WORLD.


EN - Webinar

What Customers Are Saying About the
PRVCY Transformation

Customers About PRVCY

Angela D.
Angela D.
Alternative Media Journalist
Your prvcy transformation course is amazing. I was aware of quite some things concerning my privacy but now with your help everything got pushed to a whole new level.
I feel empowered and releaved when it comes to my privacy. I want to congratulate you to the transformation course. Many blessings to you!
Birgit König
Birgit König
Also dieser Onine Kurs ist einfach nur hervorragend. Bin froh, dass ich endlich Lösungen gefunden habe. Ich werde auf jeden Fall weiterhin hier gespannt auf Updates achten. Du hast mir zu einem viel verantwortungsvolleren Umgang mit meinem Handy, meinen Daten und meiner Privatsphäre verholfen. Danke!
Fernando Pizote
Fernando Pizote
Food Stealer
Este curso me ayudo muchisimo a tomar control de mi seguridad y dispositivo. Quiero agradecer al instructor por diseñar este proceso de manera muy sencilla y facil de entender, ahora me siento seguro utilizando mi celular y computadora.
Ron T.
Ron T.
The transformation program is just excellent. I'm so happy that I finally found solutions. Will definitely continue to stay around here. You helped me a lot to take back control and be protected.
Franz P.
Franz P.
Very good course. Thank you
Claudia F.
Claudia F.
At this particular moment, this is being such an helpful knowledge and tool working with my clients and team. I feel a lot more relaxed with the confidential information I am managing in my new phone and laptop. Thank you for this amazing and super positive class.
Pia Obiz
Pia Obiz
Danke für all dein Wissen und Energie, die du uns durch dein Programm gibst, Ich war letztens auf einer Demonstration und hatte ein sehr schlechtes Gefühl wegen meinem Handy. Nach dem Kurs alles kein Problem mehr. Dein Programm ist ein Muss für jeden, denn uns ist meist garnicht bewusst, welch fatale Auswirkungen uns bevorstehen, wenn wir nicht acht auf unsere Privatsphäre geben. Mit dem neuen Telefon und den Tools, die du mir gegeben hast, hast du mir extrem geholfen. Vielen Dank.
Guter Kurs, schnell und einfach umsetzbar, sehr praktische Schritt-für-Schritt Anleitung.
Jenny M.
Jenny M.
Project Manager
The program is a must for everybody. Its full of effort and dignity, especially during this very demanding COVID period of time. With the new phone and tools I ordered now I am not tracked any longer. Thank you so much, Take care, Jenny
Elisabeth K.
Elisabeth K.
Gerade in dieser speziellen Zeit bietet Dein Kurs sehr hilfreiches Wissen und viele wichtige Details. Wir sind nun viel besser aufgestellt was unsere Privatsphäre angeht. Der Kurs ist super und Du, lieber Chris, hast uns so sympathisch durch jeden einzelnen Schritt geführt. Vielen Dank für Alles und liebe Grüße
Pierre J.
Pierre J.
Le cours est brillant. Merci
Johannes Maier
Johannes Maier
Zimtstern Spezialist
Der Kurs ist echt der Hammer. Jeder sollte dieses Wissen bekommen. Alles Gute für Dich.

The PRVCY Transformation course itinerarium

Each of the 11 modules provides knowledge and power to elevate your PRVCY to the next level.

Customize your privacy needs along with the program.

Module 1


Understand why privacy is important and take total advantage of it.

Module 2

Before & After

See the disadvantages of your current devices and how the outcome of your new PRVCY setup will look like.

Module 3


Overview of the steps we will do together, which you should follow to take back control of your PRVCY.

Module 4

Set up Financial Privacy

Learn how you can stay totally anonymous with online payments, as if you would pay in cash.

Module 5-7

Set up your new Digital PRVCY Profile

Learn how to setup a totally anonymous and pseudonymous digital profile, which you will use from now on.

Module 8-9

The new Phone

Stay clean and private from the very start. Here we setup the basics and install  new privacy focused apps including our PRVCY messenger and video call app.

Module 10

Travel with PRVCY

Handle SIM Cards and WLAN connections on the road, eliminate geo location tracking and protect your personal data

Module 11

PRVCY without cash

Are you worried about the elites eliminating cash? No need to be. In this module we setup your PRVCY focused solutions.

PRVCY Superior Course

The new Laptop

Boost your new Laptop to the best PRVCY possible. Set up and experience the massive advantages with the most secure Operating System. Learn how to use a bullet proof environment for surfing and even use your social medias – safely and PRVCY focused.

Separate course.

Meet your new PRVCY phone​

The most secure Android on Earth

We take a new, super modern smartphone and modify it to our PRVCY needs.


Operating System (OS)

100% PRVCY focused

Physical Tamper Protection

No Tracking, No Google

Longer lasting Battery

All disgusting surveillance software (which sends data every second to the data silos) is deactivated. Due to that your battery lasts a lot longer. You’ll be surprised!




Audio Jack

Fingerprint Sensor

Contains a fingerprint sensor, we dont recommend using it.

USB-C Charging / Input

Your new phone comes with universal USB-C power supply adapter and cable. No more dependency on a manufacturer’s oneway street decision when it comes to in- and outputs.
US or EU power supply adapter available.

No manufacturer warranty

Please note that when we are installing the new Operating System (based on AOSP) it voids manufacturer warranties. — 
But: In our opinion exchanging the warranty for getting back total control of your PRVCY is a great deal.

This item might be subject of import taxation in your country.
Please note, that import taxes would have to be payed by you.


Learn step by step how you enfree yourself from the handcuffs that were put on you without even knowing it.
You can copy every step of the course one to one on your new devices.

6+ hours coursetime + the time for copying step by step

PRVCY Transformation Course

You BUY:   PRVCY Course

Your GIFT:   PRVCY Phone

$3.333 $ 1
  • PRVCY Online Course
  • PRVCY Mobile Phone
  • PRVCY Messenger App​s
  • PRVCY Video Call App​s