What is Digital Intimacy?
Digital intimacy has two sides of the coin: Yes, it is great to be able to connect with the people we love with just a click, but the technology listens to us, learns from us, and transmits from us.
Digital intimacy has two sides of the coin: Yes, it is great to be able to connect with the people we love with just a click, but the technology listens to us, learns from us, and transmits from us.
Andreas Popp im Gespräch mit Chris von prvcy.world Der Einfluss von Twitter und Big-Tech auf die Politik und wie Geräte kontinuierlich Daten leaken. Was hat
Andreas Popp im Gespräch mit Chris von prvcy.world Was kann jeder einzelne tun, um bewusst und stabil durch die aktuelle Transformation zu kommen, die sich
Dank Mobilfunk ist eine Totalüberwachung im Fahrzeug seit der 2018 verpflichtend eingeführten Notruffunktion theoretisch möglich. In den nächsten Jahren kommen der verpflichtende Einbau von Kameras
Die IT-Experten vom Trinity College Dublin haben die Smartphones von Apple und Google untersucht und herausgefunden, dass diese im Durchschnitt alle 4,5 Minuten nach Hause
Dringen! Wenn Du Lastpass benutzt: unbeding SOFORT darum kümmern Wenn du LastPass benutzt, haben Angreifer wahrscheinlich eine Kopie deines Tresors und all Deiner Passwörter. Jetzt
Cameras and Microphones in water bottles? Many items that are on the market at very affordable prices seem harmless but are actually enemies of humanity.
Why are they so bad?
Because their only mission is to collect data – at best live data. From audio, video to location tracking.
Here is a list of how to deal with it.
“I no longer remember what I thought 5 years ago, but Google does”.
We often use apps as our personal diary, with one exception.
It’s not a diary, it’s a reality TV show and everyone can see us.
Here are a few #PRVCYTips on what you can do.
We are used to seeing killer robots in sci-fi movies and video games. Now it is a reality that the military worldwide is developing fully autonomous weapons with artificial intelligence. How can I prevent myself from becoming a target?
Are we aware that every label and tag on our products is trackable?
What does the widespread use of this technology mean for our own PRVCY and how can we protect ourselves from it?
7 ways Big Tech is stealing your data right now, and how to stop it in 10 minutes.
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